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Dragon Hall 's younger brother who in the absence of the task, is to look at the individual wherever he goes wherever he goes, or responsible for security in all of the Group 's external sector vertical sea, a little talent, will be introduced to the brothers inside to do some simple business management. Moreover, Dragon Hall 's younger brother who, whoever felt stable life, and want to quit Dragon Hall, Ye Shaofeng never stopping, to stay away, at Ye Shaofeng seems that those things into the Long Hall, to get out, are embarked on a serious way, prodigal son to stay, experience in the Long Hall, will give jordan shoes sale lifetime.

The more people leave,jordan shoes store, the more to give the dragon brings good reputation and the reputation of the Church, want to join Dragon Hall, admiring their insight, it more and more. Dragon Hall now has more than just a mafia association, inopinion, Dragon Hall eventually, will develop into an organization, where the bad guys can oakley frogskins sale be transformed into a knight, said Long Hall is a triad,not opposition, but if let Ye Shaofeng own words to define the long Hall, long Hall, the organization should be a knight, where the purpose is only one word, that is, justice !

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