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Coyotes have also began fifa coins to have doubts, but at that time, people did not want to turn back the return, after all paths toms sale walked, and then go back, it has disappeared. Su Yuming Bai, cheap toms really embarked on a road of no return, can only move forward. Also had a wolf tribal people try to turn back, however, never fall hill, directly dead. An advanced life form will be killed ? This allows Su Yu, who are shocked, quiet and safe understand the only appearance of this mountain, which actually contains a huge danger.

And want to smash these stones is very difficult to do. Everything beckons, this piece of the mountain is definitely not normal, but Su Yu, who utilized a variety of means, but the detection results are show a thing, these stones is an ordinary stone, nothing special place. But this allows Su Yu et al more vigilant, check out what is special, does not mean that there is no special, probably just lack of ability toms shoes sale, it can not find the mystery of these stones. Now, these people further and further away in the mountains, feel the gravity increases, the body is also increasingly heavy, hunger and fatigue are increasingly powerful.

Everyone only with food and fresh water to replenish their energy consumption. Only exception Su Yu,cheap toms, Su Yu because consumption is a stone, or metal can. Moreover, the required number of food has reached a new height. Fortunately, the body of the world Suyu rich foods are rich in energy, so it can meet everyone's needs. If an ordinary food, even if I'm afraid to eat a hill, it may not be able to fill their stomachs. In that case, Su Yu these people do not have to walk, has been kept in place to eat, eat and perhaps even better than the energy consumed by eating more than the energy itself.

